“When we heal ourselves, we heal the world. For as the body is only as healthy as its individual cells, the world is only as healthy as its individual souls.”
- Mark Nepo
Sarah Howat is a transformational coach and ceremony facilitator. After exploring the field of traditional family therapy, Sarah began her own journey of healing and liberation with her first ceremonial plant medicine experience in 2017. Since that time, she has been certified as a psychedelic preparation and integration coach with Being True To You and works primarily with clients in bufo / 5MeO-DMT, ayahuasca, psilocybin, and ketamine experiences. She is currently on a deep-dive into the sacred work of grief alchemy, and has been cultivating practices, workshops, and rituals for men and women seeking free themselves from the burden of unexpressed sorrow. She is a firm believer that you are your own healer and that the path to liberation always begins and ends within each of us.
Sarah currently works with the team at Psychedelic Passage as a trip sitter and ceremony facilitator and is a ketamine therapy prep and integration coach with Being True to You, as well as launching her own company Love to the People, which will seek to be the bridge between those seeking plant medicine ceremonial healing such as Ayahuasca, and the indigenous communities providing these experiences.
What People Are Saying
“The amount of love, healing, and support Sarah provided me in a hour makes me speechless. I booked a session with her to work on forgiveness with my dad and I left with so much more. Sarah provided space for all versions of me to be seen and held, and expertly navigated me through the depths of my trauma. I left our session feeling more at peace with my truth. Empowered to honor my truth and step into my light. I’m also left feeling more loving and compassionate towards my dad’s truth. Before our call she pulled oracle cards which were spot on for our session and she followed up after our call with some suggestions of resources to explore further. Working with Sarah is such a gift. I’m so grateful for the support and love I received and couldn’t recommend working with her enough.”
“Sarah’s reading was spot on. It highlighted themes that have been significant in my life since childhood. It also reminded me of what my focus is currently so I can avoid listening to the distracting cries of my ego and stay on my path. As well, it affirmed my spiritual gifts which felt like a direct communication from my Higher Self and Guides.”
“While I found learning about anger and emotions extremely helpful, learning how to alchemize my triggers and emotions with clear ideas of how to work through them and express them consciously has been immensely beneficial. I learned how simply rewording my expression of emotions can be the start of the alchemy. I have already been able to apply Sarah’s concepts in everyday conversation and conflict. There were so many simple take-aways that I can remind myself of as I work through these spaces. I am so thankful for this knowledge and I know it will continue to improve my personal and business relationships. Thank you for this transformational gift.”
“I was surprised by Sarah’s workshop on the Emotional Alchemy of Anger. I never really knew much about anger until she clearly walked us through the types and stages of anger. Growing up, I dealt with my dad’s anger, and more recently have dealt with anger and frustration from my husband. Because of this, I started to realize that I was also getting stuck in the cycle of self-anger. This workshop has so much information that I truly feel I finally understand my anger better and see a path of how to dance with my emotions. Thank you Sarah for offering such a knowledge workshop!”